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New projects with deadlines are in the works (which is why everything else is delayed). Visit my new Fiction page on the menu for more on these new fiction projects! I've published multiple novellas in 2024 with more coming in 2025... Check out the Fiction page for more information, cover reveals, and to sign up for my Fiction newsletter!
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Beginning Screenwriting:
Basics of Screenplay Format
How do you write a screenplay? How do you put it on paper? For those starting out, reading books is painstaking to figure out screenplay formatting. Beginning Screenwriting will save you time, accelerate your learning curve, and jumpstart your screenwriting career. Other books can give you all the details, but this workshop-turned-ebook, Beginning Screenwriting, will give you the basics of screenplay format to get you started so you can write one and adapt your own stories for the screen. For story structure, see Dianne’s book The Shape of Story.
The Shape of Story:
Map Your Story in Three-Act Structure
Have you dreamed of seeing your story on the big screen? Stories portrayed in movies have a certain “shape” and shaping your story accordingly will make it more easily adaptable to the screen and may increase your chances of seeing it as a movie or TV show. In this workshop-turned-ebook, The Shape of Story, you’ll find an easy-to-understand discussion of what needs to go into each act. Whether you’re writing fiction, a nonfiction story, or a screenplay, The Shape of Story can help you organize your story and map it out to get it written. Includes an example of “the shape of story” using the greatest story ever told that is imprinted on our souls.

You’ve heard of the 7 Feasts of the LORD, but do you know what they are? Do you know why God gave them and how Jesus Christ fulfills them?
The 7 Feasts of the LORD are celebrations God mandated for the people of Israel to observe in the days of Moses. They commemorated what God had accomplished among the people on earth in history. But they also were beautiful prophecies of what God would do in the future.
Jesus fulfilled the first four Feasts of the LORD in His first coming.
Jesus will fulfill the last three Feasts of the LORD when He comes again!
These are not the Feasts of the Jews. These are the Feasts of the LORD and they are for all God's people.
What does this tells us about our future? What does it all mean for you?
Get this short, easy-to-read e-book to learn about the 7 Feasts of the LORD.
The "Best of" posts the BiblePropheciesFulfilled blog compiled into this e-book.

The "best of" posts from the popular blog:
A concise rundown of these seven prophetic holy days. Ancient, but amazingly relevant for today.
Anonoymous reader.

You’ve heard of the Four Blood Moons, but do you know what they are? More importantly, what do they mean for you?
The Four Blood Moons were a series of four total lunar eclipses without any partial lunar eclipses in between, called a tetrad. But that’s not all. These Four Blood Moons, which occurred in 2014 and 2015, fell on the first and the last of the seven Feasts of the LORD, seven major Jewish holidays given by God to Moses.
Past tetrads of four total lunar eclipses falling on the first (Passover) and the last (Feast of Tabernacles) of the seven major Jewish holidays occurred in 1967-68, 1948-49, and 1492-93. During these times incredible world events occurred concerning Israel.
So what of the Four Blood Moons of 2014-15? Are they a warning? Do they warn of what's ahead?
Why did God schedule, from the beginning of time, these total lunar eclipses to occur at this exact time in history? Learn the answers to all these questions and more in this information-packed e-book.
Plus THREE Bonuses!
Bonus #1. . . Solar Eclipses
Bonus #2. . . Why Did God Give Us Prophecies?
Bonus #3. . . How the Jewish Calendar Works
The "Best of" posts the BiblePropheciesFulfilled blog compiled into this e-book.

The Four Blood Moons reveals fascinating history! Releveant for today.
A reader.
The "best of" posts from the popular blog:

What is the “Shemitah”? The shemitah is the 7th year in a 7-year cycle on the Biblical calendar when the God of the Old Testament instructed Israel to let the land rest and cancel all debts -- financially significant.
On past Shemitahs, amazing financial events have occurred in America with the stock market crashing on the exact days of the Shemitah.
Is it a warning? What’s coming?
Why did God give this instruction and what does it mean for you?
Learn the answers to all these questions and more in this information-packed e-book.
Plus TWO Bonuses:
Bonus #1. . . How the Jewish Calendar Works
A must-read to understand important dates in the Bible including the 7 Feasts of the Lord, and possibly a key to understanding numbers in the Bible’s End Times prophecies.
Bonus #2. . . The 9th of Av
Another day on the Biblical calendar when amazing events have taken place concerning Israel.
The "Best of" posts the BiblePropheciesFulfilled blog compiled into this e-book.

Dianne Butts aptly puts a difficult subject into laymen's language and makes the concept of the Shemitah easier for the Gentile mind to understand. This summary of her blogs on the Shemitah and the Blood Moons could serve as a handbook.
Amazon Reviewer
Since I did not know anything about this subject, I was thrilled to read this book and to learn about The
Shemitah. What I also appreciated is that Dianne researched and studied from those who are authorities on this so that her book is up to date and authentic. I highly recommended you read this as well as other end times books. We need to be prepared for Christ's return and to share Him as much as we can!
5-Star Amazon review

Unplanned pregnancy? Now? Or in your past? You are not alone.
Unplanned pregnancies affect women, men, families, and even friends -- everyone associated with the couple.
Women fear an unknown future. Loved ones often fear her decision about the outcome of her pregnancy.
Now you can get help from others who have been there. Through this collection of 50+ true stories shared by women and men who have lived through unplanned pregnancies, see what they chose, how it affected them, and how it all turned out.
Uplifting. Encouraging. Enlightening.
Deliver Me offers practical help, valuable resources, and well-researched facts.
For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord
in the land of the living.
Psalm 116:8-9, NIV

Full of HOPE! This book is full of hope, practical advice, and valuable referrals. It's well-written by many writers and expertly compiled by a proven professional - Dianne E. Butts. This would make a great gift for young and old alike.
5-Star Amazon review
"Deliver Me" will rock your world! Dianne E. Butts has compiled a much needed and encouraging book. Nearly every story I read I thought "this is my favorite" and then there would be another one that stole my heart.
5-Star Amazon review
Good Medicine: Hope, Help and Healing Do you know someone who has been touched by unplanned or unwanted pregnancy? I was not sure this topic would interest me, but then I recalled friends who had been in that situation. Once I started reading, I was hooked.
5-Star Amazon review
Excellent, inspiring book I've just read Deliver Me: Hope, Help, and Healing through True Stories of Unplanned Pregnancy by Dianne E. Butts. I have to say this truly was a book near and dear to my heart as I had an unplanned teen pregnancy myself. I could completely relate to many of the stories contained in the book and it reminded me of where I've been and how far I've come with Christ in my life. The stories in Deliver Me are compelling, emotional, and very touching.
5-Star Amazon review

When you've lost a loved one. . .
When you question if God exists. . .
When you wonder how you can know. . .
Read Dear America and . . .
• Learn Ten Things About Grief
• Understand the Bible like a five-act story.
• Get intriguing Answers to Questions including:
How can we know whose religion is true?
Who are the Muslims?
Where did the religion of Islam come from?
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
Was the Attack on America part of the "End Times"?
• Get ten practical tips to help begin reading and understanding the Bible.

Inspiring portrayal of hope Very touching testimony written in layman's terms so anyone can understand. Thank you Dianne for sharing your pain and pointing others to Jesus who is the only one who can truly heal us. God bless you my sister in Christ.
5-Star Amazon review
Heartwarming Dianne has done a great job capturing the grief caused by 9-11 and shows the comfort that we can receive through God who has plans for all of us
5-Star Amazon review
Great book!
5-Star Amazon review

Passive voice dulls our writing and slows down the action. Active voice breathes life and flare into our work. In this short e-book, you'll learn what passive voice is, how to identify it in your writing, and four ways to convert passive sentences to active voice. Doing so will bring excitement and power into your writing, whether you're writing magazine articles, novels, screenplays...or even office memos.
Includes examples to follow and exercises to help you practice and learn.
Only $ .99 on Kindle!

Great book! Extremely easy to navigate. She cuts right to the point in an easy to understand way. It is a must read.
5-Star Amazon review
Just What I Needed! This is a simply wonderful book. Dianne writes the way I imagine her talking -- friendly, frank, and informative. I have a really nasty habit of writing in the passive voice when I'm stuck, confused, or just don't want to write, and some of my rough drafts are guaranteed to make you cry because they're that boring. But this little gem of a book gave me a good swift kick and since I've brightlined the hell out of my copy, it's going to keep on doing so.
You know, I'm tired of stuffy tomes that drag on and on trying to tell me how to avoid dragging on and on. And I really DO have a degree in English (sorry, Dianne). Read this, get rid of the drag in your writing, and come back here to give this author five stars for a book long time coming!
5-Star Amazon review
Short and direct and very helpful. Thanks so much! Cutting the Passive Voice is a straight forward guide on how to change the passive voice in your writing into an active voice which makes your writing more powerful and bold. I love how this guide is short and sweet, and to the point.
I have read other books on the subject and they are so deep that I found myself lost and more confused after reading them than I was before I start, but with Cutting the Passive Voice Dianne Butts has managed to make it easy to understand.
I'm really glad that I read this, I found it very helpful for my writing and I have already made some changes to my work from what I learned from this and I still have more to do. Thank you Dianne for making this guide so straight forward and easy to understand.
5-Star Amazon review
This ebook is well worth the short and insightful read!
4-Star Amazon review
As a newer writer, I hear about writing in active voice vs passive voice all the time. But like the author, I wasn't an English major and when I've looked into this difference in the past, I just got confused.Cool thing about this book? I understood it!! Woohoo! It's a keeper.
4-Star Amazon review

Want to write articles for print or online magazines or a book for a publisher but you haven’t got a clue where to begin?
Lost when it comes to finding magazines to submit your work to?
Don’t know how to actually submit your article to a magazine or your book to a publisher?
What about selling rights?
Do you wish someone would just give you the basics for beginners of writing to get published?
Dianne E. Butts remembers what it was like trying to get started in publishing. Here, in simple terms and an easy format, she shares the basics of what she has learned in more than thirty years in publishing. She has sold articles to print magazines and online publications. She knows how to get to book publishers.
Learn how professional writers find magazine markets, online outlets, and book publishers who want their work. Find out how to collect valuable information on exactly what these publishers want and organize it so you’ll have it handy when you need it. See how to properly approach a publisher and format your articles, stories, and books for submission. Discover a simple way to track all your submissions and keep the information at your fingertips.
Plus, you’ll get Dianne’s “Beginning Writer’s Plan for Success” and a shopping list for setting up your writing office, all to help you get started.
This e-book is a bargain!

Just what a beginning writer needs This is a bargain for anyone wanting to be a published writer. Dianne describes the manuscript submission process. She provides definitions and how-to information every step of the way. Well worth the cost.
5-Star Amazon review
Very Informative I found this to be a very informative booklet and it has given me information to feel more confident in seeking publication of my stories.
5-Star Amazon review

Query letters strike fear in the hearts of writers. We must include all the important information about our article, book, or screenplay (whatever that includes!?!), write it well enough to impress the editor or reader with our writing ability (oh, the pressure!), and (What?!) limit it to only one page?!
Is this even possible?
Yes, actually it is. After struggling to write query letters, author Dianne E. Butts created her own 18-Point Formula to help her create door-opening query letters.
- Your Questions Answered about Query Letters
- Dianne's 18-Point Query Letter Formula
- AND 9 Example Query Letters which actually worked for Dianne!
Just follow the examples and write your own Query Letters!

How does an author go about setting up a book signing in a bookstore? Can we arrange author book signing events in national chains?
How do you approach a bookstore manager? What do you say? What can you expect and what do you need to have with you when you meet that manager?
When should you invite other authors to join you and when should you do a signing alone?
When you have your book signing author event set up, how do you get the word out? Chapter 7 gives ten ways to get the word out -- five working with the store and five to do on your own through social media.
On the day of your event, what should you expect to happen? How should you set up your space? What should you do when your author event begins? How do you create a crowd? How do you work the crowd?
When someone actually wants to purchase your book, how and where do you sign it?
Dianne answers all these questions and more. But we're not done yet.
When your in-store author book signing event is over, what can you expect to happen next? How do you get paid for your books by the store?
In this e-book, experienced author Dianne E. Butts walks you through the entire event from setting it up to promoting your event, to making your event a success, to what to do while you're there, to getting paid. Through her experiences in setting up and carrying out dozens of in-store author book signings, Dianne shares what she's learned in her customary, friendly, instructive teaching. She shares true stories from her experiences, and tips she's learned along the way.
If you’ve never set up an in-store author event, or even if you have but it still feels awkward, you need this book.
Includes Dianne's "In-store Author Event Checklist."

Query Letters was very informative and I loved the examples that were in the book. I know this book will be a benefit to every writer no matter where you're at on your writing journey. It is always a joy to me as a reader to see other writers willing to help their fellow comrades succeed and avoid the pitfalls that they themselves have encountered.
4-Star Amazon review

5-Star Amazon review
Love this book! This book is wonderful! I am having an author event this Saturday. Information I didn't even think about doing during a signing was very valuable. I feel more confident now that I read this book. Truly amazing!
5-Star Amazon review
Great guide on what to do and what not to do when setting up book signings. This is a great book for any author or aspiring author. It gives you the do's and don'ts of setting up your own in store book signings or author events. If you are an author or you want to be, then you need to read this book. Dianne Butts shares her experience, both the good and the bad with you as you read through this. You can learn from her mistakes and from her good experiences and you can hopefully avoid some of the struggles and pitfalls she faced.
This is a great guide to help you understand both how to set up in store book signings, and why you should put forth the effort to set up book signings and author events at book stores. It can help you connect with potential readers as well as give you a good relationship with the various stores.
5-Star Amazon review